joi, aprilie 23, 2009

have you ever....?

am furat o leapsa de pe ceva blog. e tare, prea tare. chiar daca exasperant de lunga. nu o transmit nimanui, si-o ia cine pofteste, ca nu vreau sa-mi aud injuraturi ca-i prea grea. functioneaza in felul urmator: copy-paste la lista, apoi bolduiesti/subliniezi/bifezi/etc lucrurile pe care le-ai facut in viata matale. daca vrei adaugi comentarii la itemi. eu vreau si adaug. nu o traduc, e mai bine in engleza (in caz de ne citesc blogurile parintii, sa nu stie ei cate am ispravit noi). hihi. X 01) Bought everyone in the pub a drink -(oh mai ales in crash landing... good times indeed!) --02) Swam with wild dolphins X 03)Climbed a mountain. --04) Taken a Ferrari for a test drive -(degeaba, nu-mi plac masinile. n-as lua una la un test drive nici macar de curiozitate) --05) Been inside the Great Pyramid -(nu inca, dar vreau sa merg. in fiecare piramida existenta in lume) --06) Held a tarantula -(nu mi-ar fi frica daca as avea ocazia) X 07) Taken a candlelight bath with someone. X 08) Said ‘I love you’ and meant it -(i mean it every time, wtf?!) X 09) Hugged a tree -(nu ma pot abtine sa nu imi amintesc de sora lui maitreyi, fatuca copacofila :)) dar mie mi-s dragi toate plantele. si sarut pe frunte muguri mici si flori parfumate, au o energie nemaipomenita) X 10) Done a striptease -(very well, i may add :D) --11)Bungee jumped X 12) Visited Paris -(si nu-i asa grozav ca-n filme) --13) Watched a lightning storm at sea X 14) Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise -(very des, cel putin o data pe saptamana) --15) Seen the Northern Lights --16)Gone to a huge sports game --17) Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa. X 18) Grown and eaten your own vegetables -(patrunjel in ghiveci se pune?) --19) Touched an iceberg -(nici nu vreau. e rece) X 20) Slept under the stars -(si o voi face din nou. la vara. cu ioana, dupa ce vine in tara :D it`s a promise!) X 21) Changed a baby’s diaper. --22) Taken a trip in a hot air balloon --23) Watched a meteor shower -(cat de true trebuie sa fie! i wish to do it) X 24) Gotten drunk on champagne -(si multe alte licori. la colindat în clasa a 8-a. groaznic) X 25) Given more than you can afford to charity -(la aia de vin la usa cu poze cu copii bolnavi) --26) Looked up at the night sky through a telescope -(un telescop e pe lista mea de cadouri. app, v-am spus cand e ziua mea?) X 27) Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment X 28) Had a food fight -(tort la chefuri. merge?) --29) Bet on a winning horse X 30) Taken a sick day when you’re not ill -(ca orice biet elev) X 31) Asked out a stranger -(bunaciune stranger, daaaah!) X 32) Had a snowball fight -(sa ridice mana sus cine n-o trait o bulgareala! ma gandeam eu: nimeni din europa) --33) Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier -(zice o statistica in felul urmator: aproximativ 25% din xeroxurile din lume se defecteaza pentru ca cineva isi pune posteriorul la copiat. un sfert!!! foarte ingrijorator, zic eu. specia umana era homo sapiens totusi ultima data cand am verificat) X 34) Screamed as loudly as you possibly can X 35) Held a lamb -(foarte recent. de cateva zile) X 36) Enacted a favorite fantasy. X 37) Taken a midnight skinny dip -(nu esti om pana n-o faci si pe asta!) X 38) Taken an ice cold bath --39) Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar X 40) Seen a total eclipse --41) Ridden a roller coaster --42) Hit a home run --43) Fit three weeks miraculously into three days -(nici nu inteleg sensul expresiei :-??) X 44) Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking (aia fac io. trademark :))) ) --45) Adopted an accent for an entire day -(cu ce scop oare ar face cineva asta? =)) ) X 46) Visited the birthplace of your ancestors X 47) Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment -(io aproape tot mereu) X 48) Had two hard drives for your computer --49) Visited all 50 states of USA -(nici aventura asta nu ma tenteaza) --50) Loved your job for all accounts X 51) Taken care of someone who was shit faced X 52) Had enough money to be truly satisfied -(ia aminte! nu-i bogat ala care are mai multe, ci ala caruia ii lipsesc mai putine) X 53) Had amazing friends -(inca am vreo 2. si sunt recunoscatoare. sunt chiar amazing oamenii daca au tarie de caracter sa ma iubeasca si dupa ce ma cunosc) X 54) Danced with a stranger in a foreign country -(da. de mai multe ori. cel mai strange "stranger" a fost o tipa din franta cu care am dansat si apoi mi-a spus ca vrea sa fiu iubita ei. lol era urata cu spume! :)) =)) ) --55) Watched wild whales --56) Stolen a sign X 57) Backpacked in Europe (romania e in europa, deci da!) X 58) Taken a road-trip X 59) Rock climbing -(si nici macar n-o fost asa de funny :P) --60) Lied to foreign government’s official in that country to avoid notice X 61) Midnight walk on the beach --62) Sky diving --63) Visited Ireland -(tara de bastina a zanelor. suna interesant... dar am alte tari pe care as vrea sa le vizitez mai intai) X 64) Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love -(like... 4 ani pt 3 saptamani?!) X 65) In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them -(asta cu toate ca a manca in public mi se pare destul de nefiresc) --66) Visited Japan (nu.da' ar fi fain) --67) Benchpressed your own weight X 68) Milked a cow X 69) Alphabetized your records --70) Pretended to be a superhero -(as fi incercat, dar n-am gasit izmene de latex pe marimea mea) --71) Sung karaoke -(karaoke sux! nush cine l-o inventat, dar tare plictisit tre sa fi fost saracu om!) X 72) Lounged around in bed all day X 73) Posed nude in front of strangers -(de parca altii n-au ce am eu sau n-au mai vazut veci!) --74) Scuba diving --75) Got it on to “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye X 76) Kissed in the rain -(very very! romantic de numa`. si astfel am izbutit sa fac bronsita. dar calculez ca a meritat sa suport injectiile cu gentamicina pt asta) X 77) Played in the mud X 78) Played in the rain -(copii am fost cu totii odata, nu?) --79) Gone to a drive-in theater X 80) Done something you should regret, but don’t regret it -(toate prostiile pe care le-am facut au meritat, in ciuda sanctiunilor ulterioare) --81) Visited the Great Wall of China X 82) Discovered that someone who’s not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog -(un motiv bun sa nu traduc leapsa asta:P) --83) Dropped Windows in favor of something better X 84) Started a business -(crescatorie de hamsteri am vrut sa fac. numai ca hamsterii n-au facut pui veci. da` afacerea am inceput-o...) X 85) Fallen in love and not had your heart broken -(deci... se poate!) X 86) Toured ancient sites X 87) Taken a martial arts class -(wing chun kung fu) X 88) Sword fought for the honor of a woman -(eh, nu chiar. nu a fost duel cu sabii. dar am batucit o colega cu mecla de banca... pentru propria onoare ;) ) --89) Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight -(alte jocuri, da. D&D specific, nu) X 90) Gotten engaged -(si am primit un inel superb cu bile. damn, ce ciudat suna! :)) ) --91) Been in a movie X 92) Crashed a party -(hmmm... nu o data: cand iubitii mei "simultani" s-au descoperit reciproc si s-au luat la pumni la party... cand era chefu la mine si am obosit subit, i-am trimis pe toti acasa... cand am ars instalatia electrica si n-am mai avut muzica... si mai sunt vreo cateva...) X 93) Loved someone you shouldn’t have -(mereu si vesnic) X 94) Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy -(hai sa ne laudam... :D dar tre sa recunosc, eu am patit si invers, de mai multe ori) X 95) Gotten married -(hihi been there, done that!) --96) Had sex at the office (e vina mea ca n-am birou?!?) --97) Gone without food for 5 days -(io?! daca nu manc cel putin o data la 12 ore is pe lesin lol) --98) Made cookies from scratch X 99) Won first prize in a costume contest --(sormea a castigat intr-un costum creat de manuta mea. se ia in considerare, cred) --100) Ridden a gondola in Venice-(am auzit ca in venetia cam pute. nu e romantic sa te dai cu gondola pe un canal care pute, nu?) X 101) Gotten a tattoo -(de 2 ori chiar. si mai urmeaza) X 102) Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on --103) Gotten divorced --104) Been on television news programs as an “expert” X 105) Got flowers for no reason -(gest superb. si pentru ca e asa, ofer si eu flori fara motiv prietenelor mele) --106) Masturbated in a public place -(lol asta chiar e tare. urmariti cine raspunde la asta afirmativ si evitati-l din acel moment. e mai safe.) X 107) Got so drunk you don’t remember anything X 108) Taken illegal drugs X 109) Performed on stage -(eram foarte cantatoare mai demult) --110) Been to Las Vegas --111) Recorded music X 112) Eaten shark -(nici nu-i bun. e prea grasa carnea pentru un peste) X 113) Had a one-night stand --114) Gone to Thailand --115) Seen Siouxsie live X 116) Bought a house X 117) Been in a combat zone -(numa` la bulgareala si la pistoale cu bile. da` o fost razboi in toata regula!) X 118) Buried one/both of your parents -(bietu` tata... mort si ingropat) X 119) Shaved or waxed your pubic hair off --120) Been on a cruise ship X 121) Spoken more than one language fluently X 122) Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone -(don`t wanna recall that... la disco, my best friend era beat si am incercat sa-l scot dintr-o incaierare... mi-am luat cateva zdravene. da` m-a razbunat el a doua zi :D ) --123) Bounced a check --124) Performed in Rocky Horror X 125) Read - and understood - your credit report -(de parca ar fi vorba de egipteana veche! ce poate fi greu de inteles? e doar un amarat de formular cu cifre) X 126) Raised children -(5 verisori. din momentul aducerii pe lume. in fiecare vara i-am educat si hranit.) X 127) Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy -(baloane de sapun. pistoale cu bile. lego. etc) --128) Followed your favorite band/singer on tour -(nu-s un fan model. nu sunt fanatica adica) --129) Created and named your own constellation of stars --130) Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country X 131) Found out something significant that your ancestors did -(un intreg imperiu, frate!) --132) Called or written your Congress person X 133) Picked up and moved to another city to just start over --134) …more than once? - More than twice? --135) Walked the Golden Gate Bridge X 136) Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking -(mai ales la melodii faine) X 137) Had an abortion or your female partner did -(spontan si foarte regretat :() --138) Had plastic surgery X 139) Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived -(cause god was there for me...) X 140) Wrote articles for a large publication -(in afara de revista scolii?! ce mah,o fost mare si stufoasa revista => large. i did it :D) --141) Lost over 100 pounds X 142) Held someone while they were having a flashback --143) Piloted an airplane --144) Petted a stingray -(prea de tot chiar si pt mine, care am avut ca pet tot ce se poate de la vrabii, cotofene, cartite, pana la huski, iezi si cai) X 145) Broken someone’s heart -(i did. si nu-s mandra de realizare. a fost urat din partea mea si ma bantuie asta) X 146) Helped an animal give birth -(cal, oaie, capra, vaca, porc, gaina-am spart coaja la ou sa iasa puiu mai usor) --147) Been fired or laid off a job -(n-am avut veci un job) --148) Won money on a T.V. game show -(asta ar presupune ca intai sa joc) X 149) Broken a bone -(mana stanga = rupt + luxat. genunchiul stang = fisurat la o tranta cu motoru) --150) Killed a humanbeing --151) Gone on an African photo safari X 152) Ridden a motorcycle -(OH YEAH BABY! this is what i do) --153) Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100 mph -(am fost pasager. la viteze mai mari) --154) Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced -(doar arcada si 13 gauri in urechi) --155) Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol -(armele de foc is naspa) X 156) Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild -(amazing, huh? and i am still alive. dar se prea poate sa fi fost afectata :P) X 157) Ridden a horse -(am calarit cai mai mult timp decat motoare) --158) Had major surgery -(doar doua mici mici. mari nu.) --159) Had sex on a moving train -(lol astia care o facut lista chiar au imaginatie bogata!) --160) Had a snake as a pet --161) Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon --162) Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing X 163) Slept for more than 30 hours -(si cand m-am trezit m-am tarat din pat pana la o punga de biscuiti. n-aveam vlaga sa ma ridic pana n-am mancat) X 164) Visited lots of foreign countries -(2,3, asa. nu e chiar "lots", dar pentru un roman e destul de mult) --165) Visited all 7 continents --166) Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days --167) Eaten kangaroo meat -(de ce as vrea s-o fac?!?) --168) Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground --169) Been a sperm or egg donor --170) Eaten sushi X 171) Had your picture in the newspaper -(cand eram fotomodeala) X 172) Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime -(desi ma induce in eroare cuvantul "healthy", voi sustine ca da. wtf, healthy ar insemna public si oficial sau ca amandoi am fi cu analizele la zi? daca e primul caz, atunci nu am avut decat una) X 173) Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about --174) Gotten someone fired for their actions X 175) Gone back to school -(in fiecare dimineata... i`m back to school!) --176) Parasailed X 177) Changed your name -(in bine. numele de fata era cam nepotrivit) --178) Petted a cockroach -(alte insecte, da) --179) Eaten fried green tomatoes. --180) Read The Iliad X 181) Selected one “important” author who you missed in school, and read --182) Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them -(n-am facut-o, dar odata m-a batut gandul sa fur o scrumiera beton de la rivulus) --183) …and gotten 86′ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you --184) Taught yourself an art from scratch --185) Killed and prepared an animal for eating (I try not to :/) X 186) Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt -(si astfel constiinta mea e curata, da?) --187) Skipped all your school reunions -(inca n-am avut niciuna. dar n-o sa ratez pentru nimic in lume) X 188) Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language --189) Been elected to public office --190) Written your own computer language X 191) Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream -(nu numai ca m-am gandit eu, chiar asa a fost.) X 192) Had to put someoneyou love into hospice care X 193) Built your own PC from parts -(si a si functionat! "it genius" is my middle name) --194) Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you -(nu. dar mi-a fost furata munca fara intrebari suplimentare) --195) Had a booth at a street fair X 196) Dyed your hair -(de vreo 8 ani, cel putin o data pe luna) X 197) Been a DJ --198) Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal --199) Written your own role playing game --200) Been arrested

3 comentarii:

  1. Ce tare:))
    dupa vara asta o s-o iau si eu.
    cu siguranta o sa am mai multe de completat.

    luv u!>:D<>:D<

  2. :)) super. . . chiar o avut multa inspiratie cei care o facut'o;))

  3. mmm..Lista asta ma face sa realizez cum au trecut 18 ani pe langa mine fara sa realizez cv :))
    That's bad!
